by Support Support
Dec 27 2021 0 comments

Calculation for Pool Liners

  • The page gives an insight into how to calculate the number for pool liner sheets required to be twigged in swimming pool floor and walls.
  • The size of sheet selected depends upon the area of the pool wall and floor.
  • The size of pool liner sheets must be selected in such a way that results in minimum bonding junctions 
  • The width of the liners should be atleast 10 cm more compared to pool size for accommodating the fasteners.  
  • Anti slip layer coated liners should be used for pool steps, ramps etc.

STEP 1: Determination of Total Pool Volume (Length x Width x Depth) in cubic meter.   
               Assuming the pool volume to be 8 x 4 x 1.5 m as illustrated in fig. 1.

Fig. 1 A pool of 8 x 4 x 1.5 m which is to be twigged  with pool liner

STEP 2: Calculation of Wall and Floor Area of the Pool
              Pool Wall Area   =  2 x ((8 x 1.5) + (4 x 1.5))  = 36 sq. m. 
              Pool Floor Area  =  8 x 4                                 = 32 sq. m. 

STEP 3: Quantity of Pool Liner Sheets Required
              The colour of Pool Liner selected is Adriatic Blue as illustrated in fig.2
Fig. 2 A Pool liner of Adriatic Blue colour
Suggested Wall Liner
1 X Mega Part No. 7019094 [25 x 1.65 x 0.0015 m]
 Suggested Floor Liner
1 X Mega Part No. 7019095 [25 x 2 m x 0.0015 m]
Suggested Liner for Steps and Ramps
1 X Mega Part No. 7006583 [10 x 1.65 x 0.0019 m]
Suggested Liner Liquid
1 X Mega Part No. 7006586 [950 g]
For Turquoise colored Pool Liners as illustrated in fig.3:       
Suggested Wall Liner
1 X Mega Part No. 7019088 [25 x 1.65 x 0.0015 m]
Suggested Floor Liner
1 X Mega Part No. 7019089 [25 x 2 m x 0.0015 m]
Suggested Liner for Steps and Ramps
1 X Mega Part No. 7019106 [10 x 1.65 x 0.0019 m]
Suggested Liner Liquid
1 X Mega Part No. 7019115 [950 g]

Fig. 3 An Anti - slip pool liner of Turquoise colour.