by Support Support
Dec 02 2021 0 comments

Variable Speed Pump


Variable speed pumps operate over a wide range and can set to the specific speeds required for basic circulation, heating, and spa use. Variable speed pumps provide the ultimate in energy efficiency and saves up to 90% on energy costs. This makes them the most efficient pump on the market. On top of that, these pumps produce less heat, internal components last longer, and increase energy savings, pool efficiency, and pump life. As with more innovative and efficient products, variable speed pumps are more expensive than single speed pumps. However, the advance investment in energy savings is often recouped within the first two years of pump use. Furthermore the benefits of water turnover, extended filtration and prolonged sanitation times will make maintaining your pool easier.


Variable speed pumps are powered by a different motor than the single speed pumps known as permanent magnetic motors. The same type of motor used in electric cars is much more efficient than the induction motors used in traditional single and dual speed pool pumps. These motors use permanent magnets to create a magnetic field between the rotor and the windings. Unlike standard induction motors, which require extra power to force the magnetic field into the rotor, the magnets work better to spin the rotor.

Pool pump helps to prevent stagnant water that algae and bacteria like to grow in, and helps to promote filtration, which removes big particulates that bacteria and algae like to grow on. It allows the sanitation system to treat the water more often which is crucial for UV, ozone and any other sanitation system. Furthermore, it is beneficial for salt systems because you are able to turn the salt production down which reduces the wear and tear on the salt cell. It is also helpful for chlorine/bromine injectors and tab feeders because you are also able to introduce less sanitizer which will allow for a more stable sanitizer concentration in your pool.

Sizing a variable speed pump

The key factor in maintaining a healthy pool is the pool circulation and the turnover rate. The turnover rate of your pool indicates how many times the entire volume of water circulates over a 24 hour period. Circulation at a turnover rate equal to one turnover every 6 to 8 hours can dilute 95 to 98 percent of contaminated pool water with filtered and disinfected water.

To optimize the variable speed pump for your pool, you need to determine the flow rate required for your pool for adequate circulation. It is important to remember that variable speed pool pumps are not really about varying speed, but about finding the optimal speed for the pool.

First, find out how many volume of water you have in your pool. Then, divide this number by the desired turnover rate, ideally 6 to 8 hours. Then divide that answer by 60 to find the lowest flow rate. For example, if your pool has a capacity of 100 m3 and you need 8 hours or three turnover per day, you need a minimum 0.2 m3/h flow rate.

The maximum flow rate of your pool depends on the size of your plumbing. For 50 mm pipes, the maximum flow to the pool pump will be 15 m3/h. For 40 mm pipes, the maximum flow to the pump will be 10 m3/h. Be sure to consult with a pool professional when determining the optimal flow rate for your pool.

Advantages of variable speed pump

More efficient motor
Permanent magnetic motors have an efficiency rating of 90%, while the average single speed pool pump has an efficiency rating of between 30% and 70%. Operating a variable speed pool pump means that it uses very little energy at the same flow rate as a speed pump.

Less power consumption
Although variable speed pool pumps have a high upfront cost, they will recoup the full cost and save you more money over time. This is because, unlike single speed pumps that run at high speeds for short periods of time, variable speed pool pumps allow you to run your pool at low speeds for longer periods of time. Single speed pool pumps usually run at higher speeds than required, which means they are constantly wasting energy. Reducing the speed of your pool pump results in a disproportionate reduction in energy consumption - so you can save a considerable amount of money even with a small reduction in the speed of your pump. Variable speed pool pumps have more efficient motors, allowing you to set the speed to what your pool needs, saving you more on your energy bill compared to any other pool pump.

Better pool circulation
Due to the high energy cost and loud operating noise, most pool owners who use a single speed pump operate it for eight hours or less a day. This means that for most of the day their pool water stays stagnant and produces bacteria and other contaminants. When there is more contaminants, the pools will need more chlorine, which in turn will create more toxic chloramines that can cause irritation and chlorine odor.

In some cases, pool owners with single speed pumps will only operate at night to help reduce electric costs. This is even worse, because during the day the water in their pool is stagnant, and chlorine in the pool is degraded by the sun's ultraviolet rays .

On the other hand, you can run a variable speed pool pump 24 hours a day, with low energy costs and without the obscene loud noise you get with a single speed pool pump. This will create better circulation in your pool, leading to a healthier pool that needs fewer chemicals

Any supplemental hygiene, such as AOP, UV, or ozone systems, will work better through continuous circulation, which will reduce or decrease the amount of chlorine in the drinking water.

Less pool pump noise
Single speed pool pumps can be very loud, making them more impractical to operate overnight. Variable speed pumps are very quiet and can run 24/7 at low speeds all night without waking up your family or neighbors.

Better pool filtration
Running a pool pump at very high speeds will reduce the efficiency of your filter. Prolonged operation of a variable speed pump at low speeds can allow your filter to operate more efficiently, provide you with a cleaner pool, and save the life of your filter.