Manuel James

Posts by Manuel James


Wireless Power Transmission

A blog describing the possibilities of power transmission wirelessly.

Manuel James · March 29, 2022
Wireless Power Transmission - Cover Image

World Water Day

A blog, describing a day which is being celebrated every year to keep and conserve the nature's treasure - The Water.

Manuel James · March 22, 2022
World Water Day - Cover Image

Management Strategies For The Effects Of Climate Change On Livestock

A blog which makes an insight on the importance of implementing management strategies for better livestock environment and attaining maximum

Manuel James · January 31, 2022
Management Strategies For The Effects Of Climate Change On Livestock - Cover Image

Managing Temperatures On Natural and Artificial Turfs Using Irrigation

A blog on artificial and natural turfs.

Manuel James · September 21, 2021
Managing Temperatures On Natural and Artificial Turfs Using Irrigation - Cover Image